Thursday, January 19, 2012

Unboxing: Euro Pro Deep Fryer

In honor of the Queen of Southern Cuisine (or is that the Queen of Deep-Fried Cuisine?), the peerless Ms. Paula Deen, who recently came out with the unfortunate news that she, like many Americans suffers Type 2 diabetes, we here at It's Unboxed have reached into our most recent archives for this gem of a crispy unboxing video. Because if it ain't fried, it ain't right. Or something like that.

For the sake of all foods greasy, the It's Unboxed brain trust made a decision. That decision was to buy a deep fryer and see what it can do. But before we could deep fry everything, obviously, we have to unbox everything. That brings us back to the above video.

What you're witnessing here is the unboxing -- and subsequent use -- of an official Euro Pro deep fryer. It has but one mission, and it does it well. See for yourself.

Unbox Everything!

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